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2023 世界华人数学家联盟年会开幕 奖项揭晓

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2023 世界华人数学家联盟年会开幕 奖项揭晓

来源:YMSC 清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心 2024-01-02 16:30 发表于北京

2024 年 1 月 2 日,世界华人数学家联盟 2023 年会(ICCM 2023) 开幕式暨颁奖典礼在上海复旦大学相辉堂举行。大会揭晓并颁发 2023 年度世界华人数学家联盟最佳论文奖、博士论文奖、创意本科论文奖和若琳奖。其中,ICCM 博士论文奖为 2023 年首次设立,旨在促进博士研究生开展前沿数学研究,并表彰他们取得的重要科研成果。

《Nonlinear PDE and Stability in Mirror Symmetry, I: Geodesics》等 15 篇论文获 ICCM 鲍剑文最佳论文奖 ,《Exponential decay for damped Klein-Gordon equations on asymptotically cylindrical and conic manifolds》等 6 篇论文获 ICCM 博士论文奖,《A new proof of the C0 estimate in Yau's proof of Calabi's conjecture》等 3 篇论文获 ICCM 创意本科论文奖,《Emergence of Apparent Horizon in Gravitational Collapse》等 2 篇论文获 ICCM 若琳奖。


2023  ICCM 鲍剑文最佳论文奖
ICCM Kevin Bao Best Paper Award (BPA)

Tristan Collins

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Nonlinear PDE and Stability in Mirror Symmetry, I: Geodesics

Annals of PDE Volume 7 (2021), Number 1, 11   

Ziyang Gao 高紫阳   

CNRS / Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche

Uniformity in Mordell-Lang for curves
Annals of Mathematics Volume 194 (2021), Number 1, 237-298  

Jianfeng Lin 林剑锋   

Tsinghua University

Xiaolin Danny Shi 时骁霖

University of Washington

Intersection forms of spin 4-manifolds and the Pin(2)-equivariant Mahowald invariant

Communication of the American Mathematical Society Volume 2 (2022), 22-132   

Ruobing Zhang 张若冰  

Princeton University

Nilpotent structures and collapsing Ricci-flat metrics on the K3 surface

Journal of the American Mathematical Society Volume 35 (2022), Number 1, 123-209

Harold Blum   

University of Utah

Uniqueness of K-polystable degenerations of Fano varieties

Annals of Mathematics Volume 190 (2019), Number 2, 609-656

Song He 何颂    

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Scattering forms and the positive geometry of kinematics, color and the worldsheet

Journal of High Energy Physics Volume 2018 (2018), Number 5, 96

Robert Young   

New York University

Vertical perimeter versus horizontal perimeter

Annals of Mathematics Volume 188 (2018), Number 1, 171-279

Hong Wang 王虹   

University of California, Los Angeles

A cone restriction estimate using polynomial partitioning

Journal of the European Mathematical Society Volume 24 (2022), Number 10, 3557-3595

Benjamin Krause     

Princeton University

Pointwise ergodic theorems for non-conventional bilinear polynomial averages

Annals of Mathematics Volume 195 (2022), Number 3, 997-1109

Sijue Wu 邬似珏     

University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

Wellposedness of the 2D full water wave equation in a regime that allows for non-C1 interfaces

Inventiones mathematicae Volume 217 (2019), Number 2, 241-375

Shengtong Zhang 张盛桐   

Stanford University

Equiangular lines with a fixed angle

Annals of Mathematics Volume 194 (2021), Number 3, 729-743

Jian Ding 丁剑   

Peking University

Jiaming Xia 夏家铭

Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques

Exponential decay of correlations in the two-dimensional random field Ising model

Inventiones mathematicae Volume 224 (2021), Number 3, 999-1045

Yi Liu 刘毅   

Peking University

Virtual homological spectral radii for automorphisms of surfaces Journal of the American Mathematical Society Volume 33 (2020), Number 4, 1167-1227

Meng Wu 吴猛   

University of Oulu

A proof of Furstenberg's conjecture on the intersections of ×p- and ×q-invariant sets

Annals of Mathematics Volume 189 (2019), Number 3, 707-751

Jinxin Xue 薛金鑫    

Tsinghua University

Non-collision singularities in a planar 4-body problem

Acta Mathematica Volume 224 (2020), Number 2, 253-388

2023  ICCM 博士论文奖

ICCM Graduate Thesis Award (GTA)

Ruoyu P. T. Wang 王若宇   

Northwestern University

Exponential decay for damped Klein-Gordon equations on asymptotically cylindrical and conic manifolds (2023)

Quan Situ 司徒泉   

Tsinghua University

On the category O of a hybrid quantum group (2023)

Kai Xu 徐凯   

Harvard University

Moduli of vector bundles on curve and semiorthogonal decomposition (2023)   

Peigen Cao 曹培根   

Zhejiang University

G-systems and cluster algebras(2019)

Yifan Jing 荆一凡   

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Some arithmetic Ramsey problems and inverse theorems (2021)

Lin Chen 陈麟   

Harvard University

Nearby Cycles and Dualities in Geometric Langlands Program (2021)

2023  ICCM 创意本科论文奖

ICCM Undergraduate Paper Award (UPA)

Yiran Lin 林奕然    

Tsinghua University

A new proof of the C0 estimate in Yau's proof of Calabi's conjecture (2023)   

Shihang He 何世航   

Peking University

Twisted S1 stability and positive scalar curvature obstruction on fiber bundles (2023)

Jingyuan Ye 叶景源   

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Governing field for 8-rank of quadratic form class groups (2023)

2023  ICCM 若琳奖

ICCM Distinguished Paper Award (DPA)

Xinliang An 安歆亮    

National University of Singapore

Emergence of Apparent Horizon in Gravitational Collapse

Annals of PDE Volumn 6 (2020), Number 2, 10  

Yunhui Wu 吴云辉

Tsinghua University

Random hyperbolic surfaces of large genus have first eigenvalues greater than 3/16-ε

Geometric and Functional Analysis Volumn 32 (2022), Number 2, 340-410

编辑 / 排版:张妍













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